Thursday, January 21, 2010

Diabetes disease and eye

Diabetes disease can put out of action seeing

The body of diabetics can not use and store sugar properly.High sugar levels can harm nerve layer that provide seeing.This harm in nerve layer is called as diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic Retinopathy Types

1. Not Proliferative One

In this period,blood and leakage occur from small blood veins in nerve layer of eye.This leakage liquid leads to swelling of nerve layer and occuring deposit called exudative.If there is decrease of seeing,this usually depends on macular edema or maculer ischemia.

Macular edema is severe part of eye to see,and also ,it is the area of small part swelling which is called macular in the centre of nerve layer.Swelling occurs as a result of leakage in blood veins.This situation is major reason of vision loss on diabetics

Macular ischemia occurs when small blood veins choke.Because macular can not be fed with blood that maintains to function properly,vision clouds.

When anormal new veins occur on the eye nerve and nerve layer,this situation is called as proliferative diabetic retinopi.In proliferative retinopi vision loss goes more slowly.Because central and enviromental vision are affected together.


Vitreous is called as a stuff that fills inside of eye.Vitreous bleeding is not only reason of permanent vision loss.

Traction with retina decolman:When proliferative retinopi occurs,scar tissue shrivels and it draws retina and remove retina from normal position.Wrinkles in macular causes distorted vision.

Neovascular glaucoma:Sometimes,intense embolism in retina leads to anormal vein formation on the iris and eye liquid is pretended to flow to the outside.Pressure in the eye rises and there occurs neovascular glaucam disease called to harm eye nerve.


The best way to determine changes in the eye is going to the eye examination.Your oculist can determine your disease before your aware.If your doctor finds diabetic retinopi,he can take colored photos in order to understand if it is necessary for treatment.In this treatment yellow drug is given from the arm and is taken photos of inner eye.With this tratment it is understood in which degree is disease.

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